Stony Plain Alliance Church

Stony Plain Allinace church was established 71 years ago.A group of young people began reach out to the community of Stony plain in the late 1930s.They held evangelistic services on the main street in Stony Plain with the help of Beulah Alliance Church in Edmonton.God Called Herb Heopner to pastor the burgeoning new church in 1938. The initial group met in the old Red and white on the main street but soon built a new building on the same property that they are today.Stony Plain Alliance Churches life was characterized by a stong focus of ministering to the young people in the coommunity in the next 30years.With a vision to reach poeple through this unique ministry and the Stony Plain Alliance church plus Christian and missionary Alliance churches Camp Nakamun was birthed. Stony Plain Alliance Church and Spruce Grove Alliance church enjoyed many combined Sunday evening services and shared a pastor.The decade of the seventies was charcterized by strong youth ministry that included outreaches, retreats and weekend rallies with other groups, and, continued involvement in camp ministry.In the early 1980s pastor Steve was called to serve the chrch. A "powerful restoration" is what his time there was called. During this time, pervading spirit of love, acceptance, and, forgiveness was what the church was characterized by.Some of the foundations by which the ministry was built was, excellent preaching, enthusiastic worship, and a strong focus on the youth.During this time the church grew to approximately 250 people on a Sunday morning.In the late 1980s Pastor Bob Opperman was called to Pastor the church.The nineties was a time of renewal as the church, influenced by the Willow creek model ministry , began to refocus its ministry towards reaching lost people.The leadership set out to strategically reach non-churched poeple through a seeker targeted church service on Sunday mornings, due to the feeling the church had become ingrown.The little church grew during this decade and reached an average of400 people on a regular Sunday.Then the church purchased the Alberta Liquor store located immediately to the west of the building and it was transformed into a modern auditorium in 1993.During this period to continue to reach the young families in Stony Plain pastoral staff was hired and our children and youth ministrieswere erally strengthened. As well ministries to women became a strong focus of the church through Ladies Encounters and retreats. The church purchased two homes North of the building and began the AARMAC (Assisting At Risk Mothers And Children) ministry in our community in the 1990s. It was during this period that the churchbegan to awaken to the call of Jesus Christ to reach the whole person with the gospel.