Stony Plain Allinace church was established 71 years ago.A group of young people began reach out to the community of Stony plain in the late 1930s.They held evangelistic services on the main street in Stony Plain with the help of Beulah Alliance Church in Edmonton.God Called Herb Heopner to pastor the burgeoning new church in 1938. The initial group met in the old Red and white on the main street but soon built a new building on the same property that they are today.Stony Plain Alliance Churches life was characterized by a stong focus of ministering to the young people in the coommunity in the next 30years.With a vision to reach poeple through this unique ministry and the Stony Plain Alliance church plus Christian and missionary Alliance churches Camp Nakamun was birthed. Stony Plain Alliance Church and Spruce Grove Alliance church enjoyed many combined Sunday evening services and shared a pastor.The decade of the seventies was charcterized by strong youth ministry that included outreaches, retreats and weekend rallies with other groups, and, continued involvement in camp ministry.In the early 1980s pastor Steve was called to serve the chrch. A "powerful restoration" is what his time there was called. During this time, pervading spirit of love, acceptance, and, forgiveness was what the church was characterized by.Some of the foundations by which the ministry was built was, excellent preaching, enthusiastic worship, and a strong focus on the youth.During this time the church grew to approximately 250 people on a Sunday morning.In the late 1980s Pastor Bob Opperman was called to Pastor the church.The nineties was a time of renewal as the church, influenced by the Willow creek model ministry , began to refocus its ministry towards reaching lost people.The leadership set out to strategically reach non-churched poeple through a seeker targeted church service on Sunday mornings, due to the feeling the church had become ingrown.The little church grew during this decade and reached an average of400 people on a regular Sunday.Then the church purchased the Alberta Liquor store located immediately to the west of the building and it was transformed into a modern auditorium in 1993.During this period to continue to reach the young families in Stony Plain pastoral staff was hired and our children and youth ministrieswere erally strengthened. As well ministries to women became a strong focus of the church through Ladies Encounters and retreats. The church purchased two homes North of the building and began the AARMAC (Assisting At Risk Mothers And Children) ministry in our community in the 1990s. It was during this period that the churchbegan to awaken to the call of Jesus Christ to reach the whole person with the gospel. home website
Evangelical Luthern Church of the Good Shepherd
Pastor Gustav who served St.Matthew Lutheran Church, Spruce grove, and Immanuel Lutheran Church, Rosenthal from 1915-1935 began to conduct worship services in private homes in Stony Plain toward the end of his term.
In January of 1936 when Pastor Julius E. Bergbusch came to serve the Spruce Grove - Rosenthal work in Stony Plain.
The United Church was rented for one dollar and 50 cents per Sunday because the worship services soon grew too large to be held in homes. There were still no Sunday School facilities, but this did provide room for worship.
it was decided in 1938 to organize a congregation in Stony Plain. On march 20th, 1938, the congregation was officially organized and named "To The Good Shepherd", and a constitution was adopted. The constitution was incorporated with a Church membership of fourteen families, on May 8, of the same year.
the president of the Synod and pastor Bergbusch approached mr. Christian Barth about purchasing the tow lots where Good Shepherd is located today and the building then on it, during the process of organizing the congregation.
This building was used by Mr. C. Barth as his cabinet making workshop and has also been a church before. Mr. C. Barth graciously agreed to let the church buy it for 265.00 dollars and, he and his family and other members of the congregation refinished the inside and the building, on May 1st 1938, was dedicated to the Glory of God.
henry Oppertshauser, Mr.otto Hoffman and Mr.William Barth, were the first councilmen of the congregation. Mrs. henry Oppertshauser was the organist, Sunday school teacher, and led the choir. Rosemarie Sandhal with Mr. and Mrs. William Goebel as Godparents was the first baby to be baptized.
The Good Shepherd church has had seven different Ministers serve since the beginning of the church.when Pastor D. Taeger was installed into the church full time and the congregation supporting a pastor independently, was when this was a big step forward.
In January of 1936 when Pastor Julius E. Bergbusch came to serve the Spruce Grove - Rosenthal work in Stony Plain.
The United Church was rented for one dollar and 50 cents per Sunday because the worship services soon grew too large to be held in homes. There were still no Sunday School facilities, but this did provide room for worship.
it was decided in 1938 to organize a congregation in Stony Plain. On march 20th, 1938, the congregation was officially organized and named "To The Good Shepherd", and a constitution was adopted. The constitution was incorporated with a Church membership of fourteen families, on May 8, of the same year.
the president of the Synod and pastor Bergbusch approached mr. Christian Barth about purchasing the tow lots where Good Shepherd is located today and the building then on it, during the process of organizing the congregation.
This building was used by Mr. C. Barth as his cabinet making workshop and has also been a church before. Mr. C. Barth graciously agreed to let the church buy it for 265.00 dollars and, he and his family and other members of the congregation refinished the inside and the building, on May 1st 1938, was dedicated to the Glory of God.
henry Oppertshauser, Mr.otto Hoffman and Mr.William Barth, were the first councilmen of the congregation. Mrs. henry Oppertshauser was the organist, Sunday school teacher, and led the choir. Rosemarie Sandhal with Mr. and Mrs. William Goebel as Godparents was the first baby to be baptized.
The Good Shepherd church has had seven different Ministers serve since the beginning of the church.when Pastor D. Taeger was installed into the church full time and the congregation supporting a pastor independently, was when this was a big step forward.
in 1906 the Holborn United church started, and it was one of the first three points of the Stony Plain Methodist Mission. Services were held in the old Holborn School at t first, which was one mile south of the existing school.
A student was the first minister and, he was also the Sunday School superintendent. The Forseland family who were grandparents of Ralph Aaronson, the Reids who were grandparents of Beulah Burger and the Meisners, Burgers and Williams, were some of the early families who patronized the church. the church was bought from the Good shepherd congregation in 1951 and moved onto the land donated by Mrs. T. Jeans, daughter of Mrs. C. Williams reverend J.C. Kay was the minister then and he held services in the church there. Dr. Villet, the minister in Edmonton dedicated the church.
On April 4th 1945 the Hollborn women's Auxillary was formed by reverend A.W. Magee Mrs. Chester O. Burger was the first president and Mrs. w. Hopkins the first secretary. Now called the United church women, the W.A. is famous for the annual chicken supper. On January 1967 the congregation asked to join with Stony Plain, and was officially welcomed onto the Stony plain United church on Friday 5th, 1967. the final church service was held in the Holborn Church with reverend H. steele officiating on June 2nd and Mrs. Mcleod playing the organ. Reverend Dr. Kenneth Mcleod had been minister in Stony Plain but, he had since died.
to the Emmanuel Lutheran congregation in Entwistle, the church building was sold. The Holborn congregation went to Stony Plain now, and attended the United church there.
In the early 1930s the Good Shepherd Lutheran church was formed when the members met in the homes. Later they met in Stony Plain United church. A congregation was organized and a constitution was adopted by the people in the town in March 1938.
In 1958 the present Good Shepherd church was built. they sold the anglician church and have used the church here since. Then and now, Pastor glen Carlson came to Stony while reverend D. Taylor is the incumbent.
Church Building Now Church home website
The Methodist Church
The Methodist Church was the only church in Stony Plain in 1907. The church was built by israel Umbach with help from most of the men from the village.
In 1925 when the methodist congregational and Presbyterisn churches amalgamated, the united church of Canada, became the one church for the town. The original church was burned down in 1951, but it took some time to replace it. In 1954 the present church was built and finished. To house the resident minister, reverend Kettyls the present house next to the church was also built, and he was the first resident minister, and many have served throughout the years.
The church was run by Messrs Michael, Oatway, Hardwick, Maloch and Yeats. In 1943 Mr. Magee arrived and stayed as a student minister until he arrived and stayed as a student minister until he was ordained as a minister. Mr. Hadley and Albert Jones in 1945 and in 1946 Murray Byers was added. In 1949 Mr. Freebury and Mr. Earl Reynolds were added to the board, composed of Oatway, Michael, Byers, Jones and Hadley.
Then Reverend McArthur came in 1954 and acted as minister and reverend Eskdale came next followed in, 1961, by Dr. K. C. Mcleod.
In August 1966 reverend Harry Steele came and left in 1977. In 1978 he was followed by reverend Wayne Shortt.
In 1925 when the methodist congregational and Presbyterisn churches amalgamated, the united church of Canada, became the one church for the town. The original church was burned down in 1951, but it took some time to replace it. In 1954 the present church was built and finished. To house the resident minister, reverend Kettyls the present house next to the church was also built, and he was the first resident minister, and many have served throughout the years.
The church was run by Messrs Michael, Oatway, Hardwick, Maloch and Yeats. In 1943 Mr. Magee arrived and stayed as a student minister until he arrived and stayed as a student minister until he was ordained as a minister. Mr. Hadley and Albert Jones in 1945 and in 1946 Murray Byers was added. In 1949 Mr. Freebury and Mr. Earl Reynolds were added to the board, composed of Oatway, Michael, Byers, Jones and Hadley.
Then Reverend McArthur came in 1954 and acted as minister and reverend Eskdale came next followed in, 1961, by Dr. K. C. Mcleod.
In August 1966 reverend Harry Steele came and left in 1977. In 1978 he was followed by reverend Wayne Shortt.
John E. Meisner, was the first secretary treasurer. Until 1852 he was followed by Dr. R. M Oatway. Mrs. Oatway played an important role as organist for forty years.
Mrs. Catherine Gates was another important person. in the United States church, and, she was a sister of T.J. Hardwick who, in 1914 came out from England to visit the brother and stayed until June 1945 when she died.
the first Sunday School in town was started by Mrs. Gates and many people have many memories of her faithful efforts and valuable guidance in that Sunday School. The "Catherine Gates Sunday School Room" is what the addition that was built to the original church was called.
In 1951 the original church burned down.
St.John's Evangelical Luthern Church
47 families that originally belonged to the St.Pauls Luthern church organized the church organized the church.
This church was in the missouri Synod, which stood nine miles south of Spruce Grove. Due to the lovong pastor they loved and cherished Reverend Rudolph Hilderbrandt. This congregation had a misunderstanding with the synod. As a result the members disagreed among themselves and became upset, and were supposed to join the Zion Luthern church, missouri Synod. So the congregation split and the larger group joined the manitoba synod and the smaller group joined the Zion Luthern church.
With the last split in 1925 the St.john's Luthern church ceased to exist.
Parkland Baptist church
A land option was obtained with a dollar deposit for a period of six months with the assistance of Reverend Jake Leverette, chairman of NABCEC.
on September 24th, the church was incorporated under the Religious Society Land's act.
to reflect the area of the country of parkland the name Parkland Baptist was selected.
With sixteen members signing the revolution and covenant of organization, the church was officially organized on September 30th, 1972.
At this time in may of 1974 a provisional church constitution and a declaration of faith was approved by the local church.
The first full time pastor was reverend Harold E. Weiss, beginning his ministry August 26th, 1973 with 17 active members. this rose to 53 with with Sunday school enrolment at 132 by 1976.
the church family which is being ministered to, however is approximately 375, with church attendance usually around 200. The Sunday school has grown to about 185 children.
St. Matthew Luthern Church
On may 16th, 1894 Pastor Eggers arrived on Stony plain for a meeting with this group of colonists.
He conferred with pastor Pempeit about thre expulsion of twenty families and to aquaint himself with the circumstances surrounding the expulsion before the meeting. these people were expulsed due to the pastor not liking a congregation decision. Pastor Eggers informed him that he acted in a rude manner and that it was up to the congregation to decide to purchase wherever they wished after hearing pastor Pempeits side of the story.
On Sunday may 20th, 1894 with the celebration of the holy communion Reverand Eggers conducted a service.For the people he promised quick action in solving their predicament.Reverand E. Eberhardt returned to St. Louis to marry Miss Mary Beiderwieden on June 10, 1895. Down the years, Mary was host to scores of delegates to conventions that were frequently held in the area. She served meals many times to large or small groups. After consulting with a physician at Rochester Minnesota, it was with great sorrow to be informed that his beloved wife Mary, was afflicted with cancer. She died on May 28th, 1924 at the age of 54.Pastor Eberhardt married for a second time. He married Mrs. minnie Beiderwieden or Kennewick Washington.Vacated by the previoushostess of St. matthew's parsonage she uphels the tradition. In his home and as a public school system in Alberta had not been organized in this area, Reverend taught confirmation classes in his home as well as also regular school classes. Eberhardt
During his pastorate, he was a great disciplinarian and announcement to communion was compulsory. on the occasions newly confirmed members were asked to recite a bible passage, commandment or article.The new people of St. Matthew, by now, began to think of building a new church. The second church was constructed in 1899, a few hundred yards to the northeast of the original. The pastor of St,Matthew, in those days, was away from the congregation a lot of the time to serve other growing stations, and missions, but, nevertheless the congregation grew rapidly prompting the expansion of the religious facility.
He conferred with pastor Pempeit about thre expulsion of twenty families and to aquaint himself with the circumstances surrounding the expulsion before the meeting. these people were expulsed due to the pastor not liking a congregation decision. Pastor Eggers informed him that he acted in a rude manner and that it was up to the congregation to decide to purchase wherever they wished after hearing pastor Pempeits side of the story.
On Sunday may 20th, 1894 with the celebration of the holy communion Reverand Eggers conducted a service.For the people he promised quick action in solving their predicament.Reverand E. Eberhardt returned to St. Louis to marry Miss Mary Beiderwieden on June 10, 1895. Down the years, Mary was host to scores of delegates to conventions that were frequently held in the area. She served meals many times to large or small groups. After consulting with a physician at Rochester Minnesota, it was with great sorrow to be informed that his beloved wife Mary, was afflicted with cancer. She died on May 28th, 1924 at the age of 54.Pastor Eberhardt married for a second time. He married Mrs. minnie Beiderwieden or Kennewick Washington.Vacated by the previoushostess of St. matthew's parsonage she uphels the tradition. In his home and as a public school system in Alberta had not been organized in this area, Reverend taught confirmation classes in his home as well as also regular school classes. Eberhardt
During his pastorate, he was a great disciplinarian and announcement to communion was compulsory. on the occasions newly confirmed members were asked to recite a bible passage, commandment or article.The new people of St. Matthew, by now, began to think of building a new church. The second church was constructed in 1899, a few hundred yards to the northeast of the original. The pastor of St,Matthew, in those days, was away from the congregation a lot of the time to serve other growing stations, and missions, but, nevertheless the congregation grew rapidly prompting the expansion of the religious facility.
On February 18th the decision to become self-supporting was reached on February 18th 1900. $400.00 per year plus 15 loads of hay to feed his cattle and a quantity of firewood was the salary to the pastor in those early days. Pastor Ebherdardt received a call Snomomish, Washington. He refused the first call that was extended and received in October 1904. A second call was accepted, sent by the members of the Zion Luthern congregation. He left Stony plain to take up his new charge on March 9th, 1905.
Alberta became a province the very same year. H. Reinitz who had previously been serving three of four parishes in manitoba was the next pastor to serve. In 1903 was when he entered the ministry. On june 25th ,1905 is when he came to Stony plain and started his duties. In the late 1905at St.Matthew he was instrumental in starting a christian day school. Pastor Hermann Reinitz taught school five days of the week. Held in the original school's enrolment soon increased to sixty was decided to call a teacher in order to take the heavy load of work off of the pastor's shoulders.
A.C. king was the first teacher called to St.matthew. In the late 1909 is when he started teaching at Stony Plain. Reverand Hermann tendered his resignation and it was accepted by the congregation in a meeting on July 25th 1909.
Finding themselves without a pastor, members of the St.Matthew ,turned their attention to the Zion luthern church of Snohomish, Washingtron where there pastor of eleven years had been transfered four years before. The first two calls were declined by the pastor Emil Eberhardt by the second was sent onAugust 22, 1909 and accepted. he returned to Stony plain in October 1909. New congregation were organized in the area such as, Inga, Blueberry(Beach Corner), and Spruce Grove, after the return of pastor Eberhardt.
The people of St.Matthew Luthern decided to build their first Parochial school in the year 1913, on the property they bought back in 1894. After one and a half years teaching at this school A.C. krieg accepted a call to Winnipeg. The second teacher was installed on july 7th, 1913, under the faithful guidance of teacher J. Dobring, the school population soon grew to seventy-two pupils. he was granted a leave of abscence due to poor health in the summer of 1915.
Hilderbrandt, a student was asked to fill the position. With the exception of four years he was a pastor at Zion luthern church and Pastor Eberhardt had served Saint matthew since 1984. At the quaterly meeting he tendered his resignation feeling the congregation needed someone who was more conversant in the english language and because of advancing age. Because the congregation was unable to obtain a pastor before october the pastor was asked to remain until then.
The people of St.Matthew Luthern decided to build their first Parochial school in the year 1913, on the property they bought back in 1894. After one and a half years teaching at this school A.C. krieg accepted a call to Winnipeg. The second teacher was installed on july 7th, 1913, under the faithful guidance of teacher J. Dobring, the school population soon grew to seventy-two pupils. he was granted a leave of abscence due to poor health in the summer of 1915.
Hilderbrandt, a student was asked to fill the position. With the exception of four years he was a pastor at Zion luthern church and Pastor Eberhardt had served Saint matthew since 1984. At the quaterly meeting he tendered his resignation feeling the congregation needed someone who was more conversant in the english language and because of advancing age. Because the congregation was unable to obtain a pastor before october the pastor was asked to remain until then.
The old parsonage with the farm was sold for 6500.00 in 1947.this money was used towards the payment of a new parsonage. The job of supervising the nuilding of the new church, meanwhile, was given to mr.Louis Strass. As a salary he received 5% of cost. The new church was dedicated on reformation Sunday, October 30th 1949, to the glory of God. An estimate of 80,000.00 dollars is what the church building came up with along with the architect. this was later approved by the congregation. The total value reached around 125000.00 dollars with free labour and other donations.
Under the able guidance of pastor Janz, the members of St,matthew decided to venture out on a school building program. The congregation passed a resolution on january, 20th 1954, proposing the building of a new school in the town of Stony plain. The members all pitched in and helped from footing to finish. Construction began in the early spring of 1954. So, St.Matthew moved from rural to an urban complex.
Pastor Janz preached his farewell sermon on Sunday December 1954 after receiving a call from Plainview, Nebraska. Reverend Arthur Gehring was sent a call by St.lMatthew and accepted, and installed on july 24th, 1955. On Sunday, July 24th, 1955 is when reverend Arthur Gehring and his family arrived. pastor Arthur Gehring graduated from edmonton Concordia in 1931.
On june 7th,1935 is when he graduated Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. After this he served parishes such as Mannville, Goodfare, Craigmyle, and Claresholm, Alberta. St.matthew l amounted uthern at this time , was burdened with a heavy debt load, a rem-net of the years before owing towards the new school. The debt was to 38,000.00.
Besides, there were previous outstanding accounts totalling some 7300.00 partly owed to local church members as well as the church extension Fund treasury. In December 1955 , due to a congregational every-member visit, a loan repayment to the bank of commerce, Stony Plain in the amount of 6,000.00 dollars was made available. All outstanding accounts, as well as the loan from the District Church extension Treasury were paid off. The year 1955 ended with a 600.00 dollar surplus.
The total budget amounted to 18,000.00 dollars, in 1955. The congregation adopted the "Kurth-Zehnder and Synodical plan", the following year.This was very successful as the contributions to the general fund, as well for millions, were doubled.
With the help of the board of education pastor Gehring was instrumental in starting, a vacation bible school. There was an enrolment of 152 children the first year. On Sunday, june 25, 1961 the congregation observed the fiftieth Anniversary of the christian day school and also celebrated the completion of the church, the parsonage, and the school. The debt on the school had been completely liquidated.
On this occasion Rev. Roland Frantz, principal of Concordia college, was festival speaker. St.Matthew launched another building program in the summer of 1961. Two classrooms were added at a cost of 25,000.00 to the south end of St.Matthew Luthern School, for which a loan was obtained from the Canadian bank of commerce in Stony Plain. The debt had been paid in full.
In the year of 1967 Canada celebrated it's centennial. On july 23rd, in conjunction with this, the people of St.Matthew Luthern, also observed their annual mission Festival with 1000 friends attending the services under the trees near the cemetery grounds.
In 1899, the same afternoon , the miniature chapel a replica of the second church was built and dedicated. The offering that day was 1800.00, which was applied to the world wide missions. At both services, the Luthern centennial choir Edmonton and district, under the direction marvelyn Schwermann san.
Reverend Arthur Gehring was worker at St.Matthew Luthern as well as being very proficient. he took care of office duties as along with his pastoral duties.
Under the able guidance of pastor Janz, the members of St,matthew decided to venture out on a school building program. The congregation passed a resolution on january, 20th 1954, proposing the building of a new school in the town of Stony plain. The members all pitched in and helped from footing to finish. Construction began in the early spring of 1954. So, St.Matthew moved from rural to an urban complex.
Pastor Janz preached his farewell sermon on Sunday December 1954 after receiving a call from Plainview, Nebraska. Reverend Arthur Gehring was sent a call by St.lMatthew and accepted, and installed on july 24th, 1955. On Sunday, July 24th, 1955 is when reverend Arthur Gehring and his family arrived. pastor Arthur Gehring graduated from edmonton Concordia in 1931.
On june 7th,1935 is when he graduated Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. After this he served parishes such as Mannville, Goodfare, Craigmyle, and Claresholm, Alberta. St.matthew l amounted uthern at this time , was burdened with a heavy debt load, a rem-net of the years before owing towards the new school. The debt was to 38,000.00.
Besides, there were previous outstanding accounts totalling some 7300.00 partly owed to local church members as well as the church extension Fund treasury. In December 1955 , due to a congregational every-member visit, a loan repayment to the bank of commerce, Stony Plain in the amount of 6,000.00 dollars was made available. All outstanding accounts, as well as the loan from the District Church extension Treasury were paid off. The year 1955 ended with a 600.00 dollar surplus.
The total budget amounted to 18,000.00 dollars, in 1955. The congregation adopted the "Kurth-Zehnder and Synodical plan", the following year.This was very successful as the contributions to the general fund, as well for millions, were doubled.
With the help of the board of education pastor Gehring was instrumental in starting, a vacation bible school. There was an enrolment of 152 children the first year. On Sunday, june 25, 1961 the congregation observed the fiftieth Anniversary of the christian day school and also celebrated the completion of the church, the parsonage, and the school. The debt on the school had been completely liquidated.
On this occasion Rev. Roland Frantz, principal of Concordia college, was festival speaker. St.Matthew launched another building program in the summer of 1961. Two classrooms were added at a cost of 25,000.00 to the south end of St.Matthew Luthern School, for which a loan was obtained from the Canadian bank of commerce in Stony Plain. The debt had been paid in full.
In the year of 1967 Canada celebrated it's centennial. On july 23rd, in conjunction with this, the people of St.Matthew Luthern, also observed their annual mission Festival with 1000 friends attending the services under the trees near the cemetery grounds.
In 1899, the same afternoon , the miniature chapel a replica of the second church was built and dedicated. The offering that day was 1800.00, which was applied to the world wide missions. At both services, the Luthern centennial choir Edmonton and district, under the direction marvelyn Schwermann san.
Reverend Arthur Gehring was worker at St.Matthew Luthern as well as being very proficient. he took care of office duties as along with his pastoral duties.
Pastor Gehring died while serving holy communion at a Sunday morning service on november 26th 1972. in 1972Vicar was serving the congregatio at the time of pastor Arthur's gehring's passing.
Everything was kept on an even keel during the vacancy. St.Matthew marked the a significant milestone in history, namely, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Alberta-British Columbia District, and also the Fiftieth Anniversary of Concordia College, Edmonton on Sunday, May 30th.
Vicar william ney commenced his services at St.Matthew Luthern. he, and his wife Diane, were at thistime residing in the parsonage at Zion, Golden Spike, where he served full time with services every Sunday. He also assisted Pastor A. Gehring in a number of ways. He also conducted St.matthew choir every monday night. In mid summer of 1972 Vicar William Ney left to continue his studies.
Vicar Langohr, as previously mentioned served the congregation in 1972, after William ney. provisions were made to provide the funds to change from a pasor-vicar to a pastor-pastor combination. Reverend william Ney received a call from the congregation he vicared in on may 2, 1973 .
William ney was installed at St.matthew luthern as associate pastor on Sunday, July 22, 1973. he accepted an appointment to our college at Ann Arbor, Michigian.
Pastor Walter F. Schoepp received a call to St.AMtthew Luthern in the fall of 1973 to become an associate pator and, was, installed in the first Sunday in January 1974. Walter Frank Schoepp was born in Stony plain, Alberta on December 3rd, 1921. Until the family moved to wembley where he entered St.John luthern school, he was sent off to Concordia college for grade nine, and remained a student through grade 12, plus 2 years of college in the fall of 1936.
Everything was kept on an even keel during the vacancy. St.Matthew marked the a significant milestone in history, namely, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Alberta-British Columbia District, and also the Fiftieth Anniversary of Concordia College, Edmonton on Sunday, May 30th.
Vicar william ney commenced his services at St.Matthew Luthern. he, and his wife Diane, were at thistime residing in the parsonage at Zion, Golden Spike, where he served full time with services every Sunday. He also assisted Pastor A. Gehring in a number of ways. He also conducted St.matthew choir every monday night. In mid summer of 1972 Vicar William Ney left to continue his studies.
Vicar Langohr, as previously mentioned served the congregation in 1972, after William ney. provisions were made to provide the funds to change from a pasor-vicar to a pastor-pastor combination. Reverend william Ney received a call from the congregation he vicared in on may 2, 1973 .
William ney was installed at St.matthew luthern as associate pastor on Sunday, July 22, 1973. he accepted an appointment to our college at Ann Arbor, Michigian.
Pastor Walter F. Schoepp received a call to St.AMtthew Luthern in the fall of 1973 to become an associate pator and, was, installed in the first Sunday in January 1974. Walter Frank Schoepp was born in Stony plain, Alberta on December 3rd, 1921. Until the family moved to wembley where he entered St.John luthern school, he was sent off to Concordia college for grade nine, and remained a student through grade 12, plus 2 years of college in the fall of 1936.
He was sent overseas to England in the fall of 1944. he was discharged in the spring of 1946, and in the fall of that same year he began his training in St.Louis Missouri at seminary. From june 1949 to August 1950, in vancouver B.C. at burnaby Missouri (Concordia). Walter graduated from St.Louis seminary on June 1st 1951, and on June 3rd he married Emerald Jacqueline Woodruff of maplewood, Missouri at Concordia Luthern church.
Between 1951-1956 is the time pastor Schoepp took four education courses at the University of Alberta while at Bethlehem. he became aquainted with the Bethel series adult bible Study in 1969. in Immanuel Luthern, and St.matthew, Stony Plain is where he introduced and irected the program.
For fifteen years is how long Walter served at the Alberta-British Columbia District as a Co-ordinator of Campus ministry; pastoral advisor for youth; district L.W.M.L. and District L.L>; as well as District Third Vice-President for a term; and Circuit counsellor of the Edmonton Circuit (later Edmonton north0 and Stony Plain circuit. Walter and his wofe Emerald have seven children, six sons and one daughter.
The Schoepps have four grandchildren. Pastor Walter F. Schoepp left St.Matthew Luthern to begin work at Riverbend, Southwest Edmonton on September 1, 1981. On November 8, 1981 is when Pastor Murvyn Kentel arrived in Stony Plain with his family and was installed.
Macnutt, Saskatchewan is where he was born and attended public school. Concordia college, is where his secondary education was taken from 1946-1951. From 1951-1956 he attended Concordia seminary at St.louis missouri.
During the years 1954- 1955 pastor kentel Vicared at grace Luthern, St.Catherine's. A new congregation of mainly german immigrants was organized and also a new church built During his vicarage at St.Catherine's. On June 9, 1956 he married Shirley Yungblut. St.Peter's of Dehli, and St.Luke's of Tullsonberg, Ontario, Were his first parish.
He accepted a call to grace, Regina in 1959 which he served until 1967. He later accepted a call to India but was not accepted a call to india but, was not granted entrance by the government. later he accepted a call to call to organize a new parish, Beautiful Saviour Luthern, Winnipeg, where he served for thirteen years until accepting the call to St.Matthew, Stony Plain.
Jim, Jeanne, Stephen and Miriam are the four children Pastor Kentel and his wife Shirley have. On october 3, 1982, with the installation of James C. Schnarr as assistant pastor at St.Matthew Luthern, Stony Plain, and so ended the era of the vicar-pastor combination. Hope Luthern Kitchner was his home congregation. Not since 1973 did St.Matthew have a similar position. Pasto Walter F. Schoepp at that time, was pastor and Pastor William Ney associate pastor. Some time later the latter was called away from the congregation .
In 1974, pastor Shnarr graduated from grand River collegiate institute. In Waterloo, Ontario he attended Wilfred Laurier University and completed his studies in the B.A. Program in 1977 at the university of Western Ontario in London by "letter of permission".
On June 5, 1976 he married Catherine Stewart who was then studying at the University of Western Ontario. Cameron Gordon, born in 1982, is the one child they have. In the fall of 1978 St.Catherine's Luthern Theological Seminary enrolled Jim in their three year academic program.
Fourth year of his seminary program, His vicarage year, was completed at St.matthew Luthern Church and School, Stony Plain, Alberta. Subsequently he was called to Stony Plain to serve as an assistant pastor to pastor Murvyn Kentel. in September 1982 Jim received his theological Diploma and Master of Divinity Degree. On Sunday, March 4, afeter the morning service on Sunday Pastor Jim Schnarr announced that he had received a call to somewhere to somewhere in ontario, and would announce his decision on some future date, asking for the congregations aid in reaching his decision and prayers.
Pastor Schnarr announced he had received a call on Friday, February 24, 1984, from Disciples of Christ Luthern Church, Pickering, Ontario. The congregation was five months old , with 29 members and in the process of becoming a member in the Luthern Church Missouri Synod, through the English District, at the time of the call to the pastor.Between 1951-1956 is the time pastor Schoepp took four education courses at the University of Alberta while at Bethlehem. he became aquainted with the Bethel series adult bible Study in 1969. in Immanuel Luthern, and St.matthew, Stony Plain is where he introduced and irected the program.
For fifteen years is how long Walter served at the Alberta-British Columbia District as a Co-ordinator of Campus ministry; pastoral advisor for youth; district L.W.M.L. and District L.L>; as well as District Third Vice-President for a term; and Circuit counsellor of the Edmonton Circuit (later Edmonton north0 and Stony Plain circuit. Walter and his wofe Emerald have seven children, six sons and one daughter.
The Schoepps have four grandchildren. Pastor Walter F. Schoepp left St.Matthew Luthern to begin work at Riverbend, Southwest Edmonton on September 1, 1981. On November 8, 1981 is when Pastor Murvyn Kentel arrived in Stony Plain with his family and was installed.
Macnutt, Saskatchewan is where he was born and attended public school. Concordia college, is where his secondary education was taken from 1946-1951. From 1951-1956 he attended Concordia seminary at St.louis missouri.
During the years 1954- 1955 pastor kentel Vicared at grace Luthern, St.Catherine's. A new congregation of mainly german immigrants was organized and also a new church built During his vicarage at St.Catherine's. On June 9, 1956 he married Shirley Yungblut. St.Peter's of Dehli, and St.Luke's of Tullsonberg, Ontario, Were his first parish.
He accepted a call to grace, Regina in 1959 which he served until 1967. He later accepted a call to India but was not accepted a call to india but, was not granted entrance by the government. later he accepted a call to call to organize a new parish, Beautiful Saviour Luthern, Winnipeg, where he served for thirteen years until accepting the call to St.Matthew, Stony Plain.
Jim, Jeanne, Stephen and Miriam are the four children Pastor Kentel and his wife Shirley have. On october 3, 1982, with the installation of James C. Schnarr as assistant pastor at St.Matthew Luthern, Stony Plain, and so ended the era of the vicar-pastor combination. Hope Luthern Kitchner was his home congregation. Not since 1973 did St.Matthew have a similar position. Pasto Walter F. Schoepp at that time, was pastor and Pastor William Ney associate pastor. Some time later the latter was called away from the congregation .
In 1974, pastor Shnarr graduated from grand River collegiate institute. In Waterloo, Ontario he attended Wilfred Laurier University and completed his studies in the B.A. Program in 1977 at the university of Western Ontario in London by "letter of permission".
On June 5, 1976 he married Catherine Stewart who was then studying at the University of Western Ontario. Cameron Gordon, born in 1982, is the one child they have. In the fall of 1978 St.Catherine's Luthern Theological Seminary enrolled Jim in their three year academic program.
Fourth year of his seminary program, His vicarage year, was completed at St.matthew Luthern Church and School, Stony Plain, Alberta. Subsequently he was called to Stony Plain to serve as an assistant pastor to pastor Murvyn Kentel. in September 1982 Jim received his theological Diploma and Master of Divinity Degree. On Sunday, March 4, afeter the morning service on Sunday Pastor Jim Schnarr announced that he had received a call to somewhere to somewhere in ontario, and would announce his decision on some future date, asking for the congregations aid in reaching his decision and prayers.
Pastor jim Schnarr and family left Stony Plain to begin his new charge in April of 1984. As the vicarage duration is for one year the date given is the beginning of the term, example September to June.Vicar William Ney commenced his services at St.Matthew Luthern, Stony Plain and as well as serving at Zion, Golden Spike in 1971.
Serving in 1972 Vicar Paul Langhor, who served at the time of Pastor Arthur Gehring's passing. The congregation changed to a two pastor combination with the call to former vicar, William Ney in the year 1973. Pastor Walter F. Schoepp being the next pastor called, forming an associate pastorate.
Reverend William Ney received and accepted an appointement to the college at Ann Arbor, Michigan in the summer of 1974. The congregation was now back to one pastor. held in abeyance was the question of a replacement. On June 1st, 1975 Liz Graul was next engaged as a full time parish worker. Until 1977 she served in this capacity.
Ron Wesley, was the next vicar arriving at St.Matthew in 1977. In 1978 Mike Colbeck was vicar.In 1978 director of christian education, Ken Olson, who came to the congregation. he aided youth in many ways and the pastor in his work. Until the year 1981 he remained. Terry Richardson was serving as vicar in 1979. in 1980 it was dan Hansard serving the congregation. In 1981, the next vicar to appear on the scene was Jim Schnarr.On Nove,ber 8th, 1981 Murvyn Kentel and his family arrived at Stony Plain and was installed. The congregation, at this time reverted back to the two pastor system with the calling of assistant pastor, Jim Schnarr who was installed on October 3rd, 1982.
After the departure of Reverend Walter F. Schoepp, pastor Carl Baron helped in pastoral duties, in English as well as the German language in services at St.Matthew Luthern at the time of the vacancy. On November 28th, 1907 at Golden Spike, Alberta, Carl Reinhold Baron, son of joann Philip Baron and Wilhelmina Rauland, was born. On December 19, 1907 he was baptized by pastor Hermann Reinitz.
In the spring of 1921 the Baron family moved from Stony plain area to Wilkie, Saskatchewan. Carl entered Concordia college in Edmonton In September of 1922. he missed one year at the college, graduating in 1929. He entered Concordia seminary, graduating in 1933. In the years 1932-1933 he vi-cared at kirkwood, Missouri.
Carl had a long wait for his first call, but was undaunted, helping out in his home parish, Wilkie, Saskatchewan, for that first summer . He came to Alberta to help out "Sam" In September thies in the vacant Rochester-Boyle-Ellscott field. After receiving a call to Norhtmark, in the spirit river disitrict, he was ordained and installed on August 12, 1934.
On may 11th 1941 Carl and Adeline were married at Drumheller. They have eight children. On April 11th, 1943, Harold was born in Chicago, Illinois, the son of Harold. F. W. Witte and Ellen J. (Hedestrand). The family immigrated to Edmonton, which continued until his retirement, in 1945. In Edmonton Jr. attemded public school and enrolled at Concordia High School and Junior College from the years 1959-1964. he was active in weather league activities and was a board member on both Zone and District levels during these years. He worked with pastor Murv Kentel as a staff member of an L.S.V. school for youth during these years.
In 1969 he enrolled at Concordia theological Seminary, St.Louis, Missouri, where he received his master of divinity degree. In Fort Wayne and St. Louis, Harold was involved in field work at a senior citizens home, a State School for the mentally retarded, and helped handle a congregational vacancy for a year in Belleville, Illinois During these years.In 1963 harold attended Concordia senior College, Fort Wayne, indiana and graduated in 1965 with his B.A. His vicarage was in Grace Lutheran Church Oshawa, Ontario, where he vicared under District President, Reverend Philip L. Fiess. In Oshawa Durin 1968 when harold served as a counsellor for one week at a confirmed retreat at Camp Pioneer, Angola, New york, and met marilyn Fuszek. At the time of his seminary graduation, Harold and marilyn were engaged to be married in 1969. In Marilyn's home church the wedding took place , at Mountain Calverly Lutheran, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 11th, 1969.
Harold's first placement was to Redeemer Luthern Church, Bramalea, ontario a suburb of Toronto, 20 miles to the northwest. Harold represented the Lutheran church Canada in a number of ways during the time he was here. In 1972 to 1973 he was a member of the key 73 Canadian central committee for this Canadian evangelism movement. he represented the Lutheran church Canada on a Lutheran Roman Catholic dialogue team in Toronto. He served for one year as a member of the inter-church Task Force for the church on corporate responsibility in 1976.
He served the church as LWML Zone Pastoral advisor during the years in Barmalea (1971-75) for big brothers in Brampton. Pastor Witte accepted a call to Connaught HillChurch Lutheran in Prince George, British Columbia in 1976, where he served as a pastor until 1984. He served the church as circuit counsellor of the Cariboo circuit from 1977-81 during these eight years, and in 1980-81 as a member of the Alberta- British Columbia District Task Force on Concordia College to try to get the church and college on the same track again. In Prince George Harold was very active in community affairs.
As an active member of the Rotary club he served for eight years, was a yearly organizer of a Christian Community Carol Festival in December, and served for four years on the executive community of the Prince George senior citizen Home Society. it was during this term of office that Alward place, a four and one half million dollar Senior Citizen apartment complex was built. For the city Pastor Witte was appointed by the city council as a member of their social advisory committee for the city.
Two children are what Harold and Marilyn have.
Marilyn attended York University in Toronto and completed her requirements to be a teacher. In 1968 she had previously graduated from American University Washington D.C., with her B.A. in political science. For two years she taught in Bramalea, teaching a grade five class then a grade three class at East Bourne school. In prince George in the fall of 1976 she obtained her permanent teaching certificate and then became a Canadian citizen. Marilyn became actively involved in the University Women's Club in Prince George serving on the executive and was the first president of the Cariboo zone LWML. For most of the eight years she taught ESL to immigrant peoples in Prince George. Sewing and needle work is what she loves. Curling, squash, and jogging, and Marilyn and harold have enjoyed travelling. They were able to go abroad five times and enjoyed these broadening experiences immensely between 1972-82.
Rich, rewarding pastoral experiences the lord has provided in the parish, and the Wittes look forward to their ministry in St.Matthew Church Stony Plain, a congregation that also has a rich and blessed history.
How did the bible affect the way they lived? How were they doers of the word?
Bible has been the foundation of everything they did and the bible is the inspired word of god. it was the foundation, based on the bible.
How did their faith in the almighty creator make a difference in their life?
It gave them freedom to live life freely because God sent Jesus to die on a cross.
Also a confidence for the future and that God is with them.
How did they celebrate christmas and easter?
They were both two major festivals that had joyful worship services
What in their life showed their relationship with jesus Christ?
Fsithfulness to God in worship and their concern for people in the community abnd serving other in Stony plain and aruond the world.
How did they show the fruits of the spirits?
In Their loving acts towards each other and people in the community.
How did they show support for and receive strength from the church?
The Church provided spiritual growth through the many ministry services it offered and growing arounsd God's word.
How did their belief in eternal life affect the way they lived and died?
They lived their lives in freedom and died in confidence knowing where they were going.
For each of the above questions what motivated the actions taken?
The love of God in Christ Jesus the saviour for all poeple. home website
Hope Christian Reformed
How did the Bible affect the way they lived? How were they "Doers of the word? James 1:22-27
The original people came from Russia and held onto German culture and worshipped in german. These people were big i there reformed faith. The church also emphasized teaching and used it to keep the community together and for passing onto other generations.
Something in the bible that was very significant to the poeple in the the church was the passage of the Journey of God's people into the promise land.
How did their faith in God the almighty creator make a difference in their life?
This helped them when they had tough times especially if there were famrers. And also helped them in the right and wrong business practices. They also had an intense loyalty to watch out for each other . Plus they were very welcoming to immigrants and helped them out.
How did they Celebrate Christmas and Easter?
Christmas was a big dealand especially christmas eve which went on late into the night unless it was very cold and they were worried about the horses freezing.
Thanksgiving is also huge. They hold a huge feast the 2nd Sunday in october and this has evolved into an event where people and neighbours are invited who may hot normally go to church.
What in their life showed their relationship with Jesus Christ?
For Sunday Church life they travelled long distances do do this. Plus they sacrificed financially and had to share a pastor who pastored and more than one church.
How did they show support for and receive strenth frin the church?
The financial support that was provided by the peopleand they provided for the pastor themselves.
There was also a sentimental attachment to what the church meant.
The church also held people together in a tough experience.
How did their belief in eternal life affect the way they lived and died.?
Through their dislocation from their lives in Russia to their faith through droughts this kept them and their heritage going. Also some of them lost hope as Edmonton became more industrialized it didn't prepare them for life as the church was a place to protect them from the ways of the world.
For each of the above questions ask what motivated the actions taken?
Their faith that tells them that God cares for them and theres a better world to come and through their experiences of wat they've gone through.
The Hope Christian reformed Church started in 1908.
The founding members of the church were German Folk from Norka, Russia who came to this area. These people homestead in the Glory hills aera bringing their reformed faith with them.
On September 15th 1912, the building which was dedicated by the settlers still stands as a land mark on the corner of our property.
the first pastor to play an importany role in organizing the congregation in it's first major building project was Reverend Reinhold Birk.
The hope reformed recieved it's first ever youth leader in 1970 due to the peace movement and change in youth culture.
The second pastor, Rev. E. lehrer, promoted restoration and even harmony reaching out to a excommunicated member with the grace of confession and forgiveness. This pastor served from the year 1913-1918.
From 1918- 1919 Rev. J.H. Buenzli served during the awfull flu epedemic. This pastor was noted for a robust joy and good humor even though his ministry was afflicted with many cares and losses. Well this pastor was in service the youth group prospered and grew to 57 members. Also. the church became financially supporting.
In about 1920, Rev. Graeser, after a few months of service died of a stroke.
In about 1921 Rev. sommerlatte served about three years.
from 1921-1945 Rev. C.H. Reppert served for 23 years making his stay the longest pastorate.
There was, from 1923-27a large influx of German Russians. by adding the foundation, the church was raised.
Mr.Armin Roemer who was a student pastor with an interest in youth, from the sounds of things had a rough ride. for the peace and harmony of the church he was asked to leave.
1947-1963 concurrently served reformed congregations in Duffield, Stony plain, Vegreville and his home church at Fort Saskatchewan. Rev Krieger died in the saddle on January 11th, 1962 just a week before a special meeting with the president of the dakota Synod. That official indicated his willingness to sign a transfer of the congregation to another denomination as long as it was not one such as the Missouri Synod Letherans.
The congregational life during the pastorate of E.O. Holb, from 1963-1974, can be divided into three phases.
A transition into the Christian reformed church were the first three years.
Adjustements to the new denominationfollowed in the next five years. Thenext final four and a half years of his stay at hope were marked by more changes and the kind of disturbances that accompany seismic shifts.
The Reverand Peter Dekker served from 1975-1980 till his retirement . His assistance among the elderly is something he is espescially remembered for.
A calming influence is what his ministry apparently had on the troubled waters of congregational life. Additional land north and west of the cemetary were purchased and plans were started to build due to the new yellowhead highway that would go right through the land occupied by the parsonage.
During this time their were many building projects during these times.
From 1980-1993 Ralph Bruxavoort served the church. These were years of Progress and change.the church building project ended by 1987. As well the church was not only in effort to biuld the church but also build it in an evangelical is fair to ssay the dutch element, agressive and hard working, contributed to much of the advancement of the building process. Although there were much destructive conflicts that attended this process.
On June 26th and 27th 1983, The hope congregation celebrated her 75th anniversary.Rev. Dekker preached a message entitled "looking back into a challenging future", in the morining service. There was a special liturgy , ercognition of members, age 75 and older, a solo by mrs. Laverne Holkeboer, and a fellowship meal after. Monday was designated Homecoming evening and Sunday evening was a special musical service. This was a grand opening although the officialdedication of the building was not until 1985.Another thing that began in this period was the ladies Coffeebreak bible study. Another thing that started was the boys and Girls Clubs. These show evidence of an active outreach with the good neews.There was also involvement in the Wine Society which ran a olocal coffeehouse ministry.
There were also various innovations in our worship and the beginning of a worship coommittee which was formed near the end of raloh's term.
reverand Jacob Kits was contracted as an interm pastor from the years 1993-1994. his work was appreciated in the areas of preaching and pastoral calling. Less progressive style for ministry is what he presented.The inclination of pastor Kitts to older ways influenced Hope towards a more traditional stance.
Russell Graff, along with ihs family, answered the call of god and the congregation. He served from 1994-2007. Thus this was an eventful thirteen and a half years of ministry.