Hope Christian Reformed

How did the Bible affect the way they lived? How were they "Doers of the word? James 1:22-27

The original people came from Russia and held onto German culture and worshipped in german. These people were big i there reformed faith. The church also emphasized teaching and used it to keep the community together and for passing onto other generations.

Something in the bible that was very significant to the poeple in the the church was the passage of the Journey of God's people into the promise land.

How did their faith in God the almighty creator make a difference in their life?

This helped them when they had tough times especially if there were famrers. And also helped them in the right and wrong business practices. They also had an intense loyalty to watch out for each other . Plus they were very welcoming to immigrants and helped them out.

How did they Celebrate Christmas and Easter?

Christmas was a big dealand especially christmas eve which went on late into the night unless it was very cold and they were worried about the horses freezing.

Thanksgiving is also huge. They hold a huge feast the 2nd Sunday in october and this has evolved into an event where people and neighbours are invited who may hot normally go to church.

What in their life showed their relationship with Jesus Christ?

For Sunday Church life they travelled long distances do do this. Plus they sacrificed financially and had to share a pastor who pastored and more than one church.

How did they show support for and receive strenth frin the church?

The financial support that was provided by the peopleand they provided for the pastor themselves.

There was also a sentimental attachment to what the church meant.

The church also held people together in a tough experience.

How did their belief in eternal life affect the way they lived and died.?

Through their dislocation from their lives in Russia to their faith through droughts this kept them and their heritage going. Also some of them lost hope as Edmonton became more industrialized it didn't prepare them for life as the church was a place to protect them from the ways of the world.

For each of the above questions ask what motivated the actions taken?

Their faith that tells them that God cares for them and theres a better world to come and through their experiences of wat they've gone through.

The Hope Christian reformed Church started in 1908.

The founding members of the church were German Folk from Norka, Russia who came to this area. These people homestead in the Glory hills aera bringing their reformed faith with them.

On September 15th 1912, the building which was dedicated by the settlers still stands as a land mark on the corner of our property.

the first pastor to play an importany role in organizing the congregation in it's first major building project was Reverend Reinhold Birk.

The hope reformed recieved it's first ever youth leader in 1970 due to the peace movement and change in youth culture.

The second pastor, Rev. E. lehrer, promoted restoration and even harmony reaching out to a excommunicated member with the grace of confession and forgiveness. This pastor served from the year 1913-1918.

From 1918- 1919 Rev. J.H. Buenzli served during the awfull flu epedemic. This pastor was noted for a robust joy and good humor even though his ministry was afflicted with many cares and losses. Well this pastor was in service the youth group prospered and grew to 57 members. Also. the church became financially supporting.

In about 1920, Rev. Graeser, after a few months of service died of a stroke.

In about 1921 Rev. sommerlatte served about three years.

from 1921-1945 Rev. C.H. Reppert served for 23 years making his stay the longest pastorate.

There was, from 1923-27a large influx of German Russians. by adding the foundation, the church was raised.

Mr.Armin Roemer who was a student pastor with an interest in youth, from the sounds of things had a rough ride. for the peace and harmony of the church he was asked to leave.

1947-1963 concurrently served reformed congregations in Duffield, Stony plain, Vegreville and his home church at Fort Saskatchewan. Rev Krieger died in the saddle on January 11th, 1962 just a week before a special meeting with the president of the dakota Synod. That official indicated his willingness to sign a transfer of the congregation to another denomination as long as it was not one such as the Missouri Synod Letherans.

The congregational life during the pastorate of E.O. Holb, from 1963-1974, can be divided into three phases.

A transition into the Christian reformed church were the first three years.

Adjustements to the new denominationfollowed in the next five years. Thenext final four and a half years of his stay at hope were marked by more changes and the kind of disturbances that accompany seismic shifts.

The Reverand Peter Dekker served from 1975-1980 till his retirement . His assistance among the elderly is something he is espescially remembered for.

A calming influence is what his ministry apparently had on the troubled waters of congregational life. Additional land north and west of the cemetary were purchased and plans were started to build due to the new yellowhead highway that would go right through the land occupied by the parsonage.

During this time their were many building projects during these times.

From 1980-1993 Ralph Bruxavoort served the church. These were years of Progress and change.the church building project ended by 1987. As well the church was not only in effort to biuld the church but also build it in an evangelical sense.it is fair to ssay the dutch element, agressive and hard working, contributed to much of the advancement of the building process. Although there were much destructive conflicts that attended this process.

On June 26th and 27th 1983, The hope congregation celebrated her 75th anniversary.Rev. Dekker preached a message entitled "looking back into a challenging future", in the morining service. There was a special liturgy , ercognition of members, age 75 and older, a solo by mrs. Laverne Holkeboer, and a fellowship meal after. Monday was designated Homecoming evening and Sunday evening was a special musical service. This was a grand opening although the officialdedication of the building was not until 1985.Another thing that began in this period was the ladies Coffeebreak bible study. Another thing that started was the boys and Girls Clubs. These show evidence of an active outreach with the good neews.There was also involvement in the Wine Society which ran a olocal coffeehouse ministry.

There were also various innovations in our worship and the beginning of a worship coommittee which was formed near the end of raloh's term.

reverand Jacob Kits was contracted as an interm pastor from the years 1993-1994. his work was appreciated in the areas of preaching and pastoral calling. Less progressive style for ministry is what he presented.The inclination of pastor Kitts to older ways influenced Hope towards a more traditional stance.

Russell Graff, along with ihs family, answered the call of god and the congregation. He served from 1994-2007. Thus this was an eventful thirteen and a half years of ministry.


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